Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Good.is magazine

Just sent a note about BermPortland to Good.is Magazine after learning about their neat contest Islands for Islands! 


Friday, October 9, 2009

And wikipedia has this to say about Noise Barriers:

Noise barriers have been built in the United States since the mid-20th century, when vehicular traffic burgeoned. In the late 1960s, acoustical science technology emerged to mathematically evaluate the efficacy of a noise barrier design adjacent to a specific roadway. By the 1990s, noise barriers that included use of transparent materials were being designed in Denmark and other western European countries.[1]Below, a researcher collects data to calibrate a roadway noise model for Foothill Expressway...

Monday, September 28, 2009

An interesting berm discussion

and other relevant information can be found here

Friday, September 25, 2009

BermPortland has arrived!

If you live on an arterial street in Portland, Oregon and you would like to have a berm installed on your parking strip (planting strip) to reduce the noise from passing car traffic, please contact me at albertkaufman@gmail.com and let's talk.

Together, we can lessen traffic noise, make your home quieter, and Berm Portland!

More info to follow, but here's a little taste of a discussion.  Some cities and towns have really bermed a lot, and it's made quite a difference.  I want to say Cleveland has done this, and will be back with more info, shortly.  Want to get started?  me, too.
